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As usual, Real Climate is showing a total lack of integrity. They are pushing the position that the temperature has continued to rise over the past decade with arguments that are borderline fraudulent. I tried to answer all of the points that they made, and of course I was censored. In the meantime the inmates of the site are doing victory dances because they see no opposition to their views.
Naturally, they censored your comment -- you attacked an article of their faith by reminding them there was a Medieval Warm Period...
Interesting stuff.
Keep up the good work.
The non-profit groups with Liberal mentality bent are the new Lords of Orwellian double-speak and double-think. If such websites as Gavin's RC get to express only their views and try to make people think the comments section is freely added with no bias, well that is the same as a Lie being placed in a site. Many comments are not added there, including my own I sent there critical of the RC and Gavin's supreme arrogance and confidence in their own work and "science" of global warming...The threat to freedom of thought and expression is scarey. The trend of major internet information providers such as Google and Wikepedia to aid the Liberal philosophy is as serious as the USA news media ignoring the falseness of Leadership or Ability by President Obama by simply not doing news report on it. Gavin's Real Climate site positions information that will only show their view of global warming as the correct path.
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